Thursday, May 21, 2009

Reconciler Update from Marti Slay

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend, so we won’t be picking up kids for Sunday school. Teachers who are going to be there may be needed to work with a few kids who show up on their own, but Mary Wade won’t be there to do music. I’ll be out of town too. Remember that we also won’t have our usual Sunday school on July 5, and Sept. 6, because we have too much trouble getting shepherds on holiday weekends and we’re usually shorthanded on teachers as well.

Our new District Superintendent is Ron Schultz. Kevin met with him recently and said he had a very productive meeting. We look forward to having Ron join us sometime this summer for worship.

We’re working on getting out an issue of the RoundTable very soon. Let me know if you have any news items that need to be included.

Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 22-26. Plans are coming along nicely, but we can always use extra hands, if you are able to volunteer. We’re still working on the meals. If you are able to donate anything or know of someone who can, call Rachael or Nancy.

We need to have an education committee meeting soon. We’re looking at setting one on an upcoming Wednesday night at 5;30, before the usual prayer meeting. If you work with the children in any way, we hope you’ll be able to be there. Specific date and time to come soonest.

Finally, thanks so much for all the kind words, calls and cards during my father-in-law’s recent illness and following his death. The support of my church family was a source of strength during this difficult time, and I love you all.

Have a great Memorial Day!