Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Helping High School Seniors and the Homeless

A workshop for high school seniors, "How to be Successful in a College Classroom," is scheduled for SUNDAY December 19, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the UAB campus. The program, led by UAB professor Jim Slack, helps seniors prepare for college while serving as a fundraiser for the homeless who come to Church of the Reconciler for support.

Seniors from throughout the state attend this workshop; some plan to go to Ivy League and private schools, some to state universities and others to community colleges. Based on responses from students AND parents, the workshop is of great benefit in preparing for college AND increasing the GPA the final year in high school.

Seating is limited and based on a first-registered-first-reserved basis.

Pre-registration is $50, same-day registration is $75, and all the money goes to help the homeless through the Church of the Reconciler. (The previous workshop in August raised nearly $2,500 for the homeless!)

If you know a high school senior, or if you know the parents/grandparents of a high school senior, please forward this information.

Please also forward this to your pastor and youth minister.

Consider this a pre-Christmas "stocking stuffer" for both the high school senior AND the homeless in Birmingham.

Details below. For registration forms, contact Jim Slack.
James D. Slack, Ph.D., Professor office 205.934.9020

Department of Government fax 205.975.5712
The University of Alabama at Birmingham cell 205.908.4872
Birmingham, Al 35294

How to be Successful in a College Classroom:

Guidance from a Professor with 30 Years Experience in

Passing and Flunking Students

Two great myths: (1) “My daughter’s high school GPA means success at college.”

(2) “My son’s ACT score means success at college.”

What: A workshop designed for the high school senior planning on attending

college. The purpose is to provide the student with very useful tips on

how to be successful in the college classroom. (These tips can also

help improve performance in the senior year of high school!)

Format: Offered in an actual college classroom, consisting of four 50-minute

sessions. With ten-minute breaks between sessions, it replicates what

might be a typical day in the life of a college freshman.

Session 1: “The Classroom”

Session 2: “The Lecture”*

Session 3: “Preparation”

Session 4: “The Term Paper: using a PERT Strategy”

* Session 2 includes a college-level lecture. Students’ notes are reviewed/analyzed from

the perspective of success with college test-taking.

When: Three dates left with seats still available:

Sunday, DECEMBER 19, 2010 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Sunday, JANUARY 16, 2011 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Sunday, JUNE 5, 2011 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

LIMIT: 50 students per workshop date

(acceptance based on order of completed registrations received)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Housing the Homeless at Church of the Reconciler

Sunday, November 14 was Housing Sunday at Church of the Reconciler, and we celebrated the 60 formerly homeless people who have been placed in housing through the church this past year. We presented certificates to members of the Jefferson County Housing Authority who joined us in worship. “Y’all gave us keys to housing,” member Michael Brown told them in appreciation, “but we gave you the keys to our hearts.”

Richard Irving was one of six Housing Shepherds commissioned to help others travel the highway out of homelessness. The key to progress? Faith, he says. There are two parts to the faith equation: “The first part is to do something,” he explained. Fill out and submit the applications; get the necessary IDs. The second part of the equation is to “speak as if you have already received what you are seeking. I was already thanking God for the key before I got it. I prayed my way into that apartment.

“It wasn’t about me getting the apartment,” he continued. “It was about God using me to help get others off the street.”

Henry Spells, a veteran who was also commissioned during the service, agreed. “If someone reaches out and gives you a hand, reach back and give someone else a hand.”

While we took time to look back during this special service, it is clear that when it comes to housing the homeless, we are looking ahead to building the highway out of homelessness for more and more people in the future. This was a day of new beginnings for people who need housing.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Let the children come

Yesterday we had 22 children and youth at Church of the Reconciler. We were blessed to have several angels from Riverchase UMC who came to help shepherd the children during worship and Sunday school.

It’s a lot of work to manage 22 young people (plus 6 in the nursery) on a Sunday morning. Many of our children come from very challenging circumstances. Working with them can be difficult, to say the least. Sometimes, the work can seem like trying to herd cats, and we wonder if we are truly making a difference.

As I sat in church yesterday, I looked around at them. They seemed particularly restless, and at first, all I could see was a rambunctious group of kids. Then I looked closer. I saw the children who have started participating in the prayer circle before worship. I saw one of our youth who was working the computer screen in the absence of the adult who usually has that job. I saw a youth playing with the band. I saw the children who joyfully participated in the passing of the peace and welcoming people to worship, as well as the ones who hand out bookmarks to those who are visiting. I saw them singing during the praise portion of our service. I saw them enjoying the food we offered, even sleeping at times during the service, knowing they see our church truly as a place of sanctuary and rest. I saw the children who clamor to light the candle each week, and the girls who have learned to knit and make toboggans so the homeless can stay a little warmer this winter. I savored the hugs of the children who shared them with me as they left.

The truth is that working with these kids has relatively few warm and fuzzy moments. We struggle to meet their needs and maintain discipline. It’s hard to get them safely to church and home again with only one van and too few drivers/teachers/helpers. But we are faithful to the call to serve them, and occasionally, we see the fruits of our labors. Those rare pearls we find in the huge bed of oysters are what keep us going.

Sometimes we are called to ministry that is difficult and challenging. Can you answer the call to serve with our children? We need helpers, food, juice, yarn and other craft supplies. How can you help?

Friday, October 15, 2010

This site offers you the opportunity to meet someone who is homeless and pray for them. We also include people who have recently been homeless and are in recovery from homelessness. They all have one thing in common: they need the power and blessings of your prayers. A small percentage of the homeless are able to stay in public shelters or other temporary accommodations for short periods, but the majority of these people sleep in abandoned buildings, warehouses or under bridges each night. We invite you to pick a different person to pray for each week and share this idea with a friend. We invite your feedback and comments by email at

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Church of the Reconciler Wednesday Evening Prayer

At our Church of the Reconciler Wednesday Night Evening Prayer this week we will be reading, praying, and meditating on the following Scripture Lessons: Psalm 95, Ephesians 2:1-10, Matthew 7:22-27. Our Evening Prayer begins at 6:30 PM in the Vennie Paulk Room. Hope you can come!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Summer needs for children and the homeless

Summer is nearly here, and along with the humidity and high temps, we can also expect the usual summer slump in donations. If you are able to help by sponsoring a drive for needed supplies, or by making an in-kind gift to our ministry now, we can head into the summer stocked up and ready to meet the needs of our children and homeless members.

We need:
toilet paper
40-gallon garbage bags
non-bleach floor cleaner

We don't need coffee or coffee cups, thanks to the generosity of Royal Cup Coffee.

In addition, we have the following request from one of our Sunday School teachers:
The girls’ Sunday School Class is looking for donations of yarn and knitting looms to make hats and scarves which we can donate to the Christmas bags assembled each year by Church of the Reconciler. The knitting looms, known by brand as Knifty Knitters, are sets of four round looms of various sizes. We can use all four of the sizes. The knitters are available at Michael’s, Wal-Mart, and on eBay.

Call the church office at 324-6402 if you have a donation. Thanks!

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Christ the Lord is Risen Today

Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010

Read Scripture: Luke 24: 1-12

Al- le-lu-ia!

Christ the Lord is Risen Today

Christ the Lord is risen today,
Earth and Heaven in chorus way,
Al- le-lu- lia!

Raise your joys and triumphs high,
Sing ye heavens and earth reply!

An Easter hymn reminds us all that Jesus Christ has risen
Let every heart sing forth with joy; Salvation has been given!

Jesus showed the world that love would conquor every situation!
Live in peace with God's own son
Allelulia, Christ is risen!

Church of the Reconciler United Methodist Church
Come for our Easter Service at 9:30
112 North 14th Street
Birmingham, Alabama

Don't look for a steeple! Look for a warehouse full of God's loving people!
Easter Baskets for all the Children!

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Restore the image of love in us.

Read Psalm 31 Verses 9-16

Key Verse: Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; (Verse 9)

Let Your face shine on your servant; Save me in your unfailing love. (Verse 6)

The psalmist is distressed indeed! His enemies are out to get him because they love political power and control more than truth and justice. His friends have abandoned him because their love failed in a time of testing. Surely we can all remember times when human love failed us and when our love failed someone else. “The human heart is deceitful above all things”. (Jeremiah 17:9) At one time or another all human love fails – yours does and mine does.

It is quite amazing that our love fails because we were created in the image of God – who is love. Where has this image of God gone? We have, as C. S. Lewis says, become bent”.

We are out of alignment. We are self centered rather than Christ centered.

How does this relate to Easter? On Good Friday, Jesus Christ was abandoned by his friends and crucified by his enemies. Human love failed that day but the love of God and Christ Jesus remained unchanged. Jesus was not angry, bitter, or filled with hatred. He did not call on God to send revenge upon those who murdered him without cause. Rather, He asked God to forgive them, to forgive us. That is redemptive love! What greater grace, unmerited favor, undeserved love, could there be?
PRAYER FOCUS: Restore the image of love in us.
Lord God, I am so very thankful that Your love never fails. My love fails time and time again. I humbly bow before the cross and seek your forgiveness and mercy. I need the healing balm of grace that flows from the wounds of Your Son so I can begin to have your image imprinted upon me again. I look up . . . I see the risen Christ – Your manifest, living, transforming, unfailing love. Please transform me into His likeness.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: If God’s love ever failed He would not be God.
Sharon Parsons

Friday, April 02, 2010

Who are You Looking For?

Read Scripture John 18:1-19,

Key Verse: Verse 5 “ He (Jesus) said to the guards, “That’s me.” The Message

Who are You Looking For?

The guards were led by Judas, one of Jesus’ disciples. Jesus had gone into a garden that he frequently went to for quietness and prayer. Only the disciples knew where this garden was located.

When Jesus saw that the guards were coming, he went out to meet them. He asked them, “Who are you looking for?” He knew full well who they were after.

The guards said the were looking for Jesus, the Nazarene. That is when Jesus answered them, “That’s me.”

The guards were taken back. They had expected a confrontation. They did not think it was going to be so simple to find Jesus.

This story in John begins the final hours of Jesus life before the crucifixion.

In the hours coming up, Jesus is not only betrayed by Judas, one of his disciples, but Peter, probably his closest disciple, also betrays him, telling the woman in the market place that he does not even know Jesus.

As we close down the days of Lent we reread these episodes of Jesus’ life and realize how much Jesus suffered for our sins.

Why is this day called “Good Friday?” It seems like it should be called “Bad Friday.”

Many churches will have a service today where they cover the cross in black and have the seven last words of Jesus read, leaving the service in total darkness.

We rejoice in the knowledge that Easter is coming!
Prayer: Thank you, O God, for the coming resurrection. Amen
Thought for the Day: Just two more days till Easter.
Nancy Higgs

Thursday, April 01, 2010

A New Command

Read Scripture: John 13: 1-17, 31b-35

Key Verse: Verse 34 “Let me give you a new command: Love one another.”  The Message

A New Command

Jesus gave his disciples a new command, to love one another. He was talking with the disciples after they had eaten together in the Upper Room. He told them to love each other and others the same way that he loved them. He said that everyone would recognize that they were followers of him by the way they loved one another.

Can everyone recognize that you are a follower of Jesus Christ? Are you showing the forgiving love of Jesus to everyone, even your enemies? This season of Lent is almost over. Have you grown in your relationship to Jesus and to following his command in the last 37 days? Easter is only three days away. The day of celebration of Jesus’ resurrection is almost upon us. Decide today to be recognized as a follower of Jesus Christ. Love one another.
Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for giving us the new command. Help us to follow you and love as Jesus loved.
Thought for the Day: Jesus gave us a new command. Follow it!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jesus Doing Good

Read Scripture: Hebrews 12: 1-3

Jesus Doing Good

It is believed that for the last 40 days of Jesus’ life many good and bad things occurred. Although I would not attempt to account these many occurrences on a daily basis; yet I will begin with Matthew’s 10th chapter. Here Jesus summons his disciples and gives them power over unclean spirits. He gives them their mission to go to the lost sheep of Israel, telling them that the kingdom is at hand. Jesus warns his disciples of coming persecutions, “I’m sending you out as sheep among wolfs. Be wise as serpents and humble as doves. The only reward promised, “Whosoever receives you will also receive me. And whosoever receives me will also receive my Father who sent me.” John the Baptist hears of Jesus’ teaching, and sends a messenger from prison asking Jesus, “Are you the one promised to come by Moses?”

There was a time that they were hungry and Jesus allowed his disciples to pluck grain on the Sabbath day. Jesus also healed the withered hand of a man on this same Sabbath day. Jesus teaches that “a tree is known by its fruit.” There was a question of the resurrection when Jesus told the Pharisees of his death and resurrection. The Pharisees mocked him, saying, “You said you are going to die and rise again. No other prophet as made this declaration, therefore give us a sign.” Jesus said, “as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly, so shall the Son of Man be three days and nights in the heart of the earth.” Jesus goes on and quiets a storm on the Sea of Galilee. He tells his disciples, “You need faith like a mustard seed, small but mighty.” Jesus feeds the multitudes. He asks the disciples, “Who do the people say that I am?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah.” Peter declared, “Though are the Christ, the Anointed One. Jesus tells his disciples to be known for mass amounts of forgiveness. Jesus teaches the importance of little children.
Prayer: Lord, teach us to pray: Our Father, who art in Heaven ….

Please pray the Lord’s Prayer.
Charles Young, new member of Church of the Reconciler

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Stations of the Cross, Good Friday

You are invited to join us for the annual Stations of the Cross in downtown Birmingham, this Friday. We begin at Church of the Reconciler at 11:00 a.m.

Every year we gather to walk around our city, stopping at locations of significance to Birmingham's homeless community, as we commemorate the passage of Jesus, a homeless itinerant minister, on Good Friday. We remember Christ's commitment to the poor and reflect upon the importance of sharing love and hope with 'the least of these.'

It's an experience that will make you appreciate the Easter news in new and meaningful ways this year.

We suggest you wear a hat, and bring sunscreen and bottled water. The entire walk takes about two hours.

Justice for the poor

One of the most unjust taxes is the Alabama tax on groceries. Alabama Arise is leading the campaign for the repeal of this tax, which places an unfair and additional burden on the poor. Here is an update from Alabama Arise on the effort:

"Untax" Tuesday: What does it mean for me?

Here’s an easy way to explain what untaxing groceries will do for every Alabama household: It will give them two weeks’ worth of free groceries every year.

Here’s how it works: Removing the 4 percent state sales tax on groceries will lower everybody’s grocery bill by 4 percent, week after week, all year long. The savings add up to 4 percent of annual grocery costs, and 4 percent of a year is two weeks. That’s the amount of extra cash Alabamians will have in hand to make ends meet.

We estimate that the average Alabama family will save $100 per person every year, but no family is “average.” For some, that’s a high estimate, for others low. No matter what your family spends on groceries, two weeks’ worth every year will make a difference!

HB 1, the bill to “untax groceries,” is expected to move forward this week. Watch for a report on Wednesday’s committee action in the news.

God, In Whom I Trust

Psalm 91: 1-2 and 9-16

Psalm 91
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."
If you make the Most High your dwelling—even the LORD, who is my refuge-
then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
"Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation."

Key Verse: "I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

God, In Whom I Trust

There has been discussion lately about the "In God We Trust" on the US currency. It is a contentious topic with hot discussions of the issue of seperation of Church and State. I don't want to get into whether it SHOULD be printed on the money or not. However, I'd like for you to think about putting your trust in God every time money passes through your hand. Whether it is the change that you put in a vending machine for a drink or a snack or the money you pay your bills with each month.

"I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

Prayer: Lord, help us to remember to put our trust in you with everything.

Beth Ann Higgs, charter member and Church webmaster

Monday, March 29, 2010

They Came to Look

Read Scripture: John 12: 9-11

Key Verse: Verse 9 “The people came to take a look, not only at Jesus, but also at Lazarus who had been raised from the dead. “ The Message

They Came to Look

The word had gotten out that Jesus was back in town. Everyone wanted to come and see him, and also to see Lazarus, who Jesus had raised from the dead.

The high priests began to plan to kill Lazarus. Too many of the Jews were beginning to follow Jesus. They had to stop this before it got any larger.

Many times we are guilty of “just looking.” Just like the Jews coming to see Jesus, they were curious about what he was dong. They were curious about what was going on. They had heard stories of miracles, and they wanted to see for themselves.

We need to make our church services so exciting that throngs of people will ask questions and come to take a look. We need also to get the word out that Jesus is changing lives and restoring people to God! We need to invite people to come and take a good look! They will be blessed when they come.
Prayer: Thank you, Jesus, for the miracles that happened each day at Church of the Reconciler. Thank you for lives that are renewed and changed because people come and take a closer look at you. Amen
Thought for the Day: Help us to get the word out that all should come and take a good look.
Nancy Higgs

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Some Things are Difficult to Understand

Read Scripture: Mark 14: 1-15, 47
Key Verse: Verse 5 “ They swelled up in anger, nearly bursting with indignation over her.” The Message
Some Things are Difficult to Understand
Mary had just anointed Jesus body with the perfume. Those who were there at the party were surprised, and many were upset. They did not understand what it all meant. Jesus told them that what she had done was a wonderful thing. He told them to leave her alone, that what she had done would be remembered forever.

We are often in situations that we do not understand completely what all is going on. Many times we make judgments on the actions of other people when we really should just step back and observe. This was the case with the people at Simon the Leper’s house in Bethany.

When was there a time that you “swelled up in anger” over a situation you did not completely understand? Maybe you read about something in the newspaper or heard about something on T.V.? Maybe you were in your own home and something happened that you questioned? We need to use Jesus’ advice and
not make judgments.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to try to understand what we are experiencing. Help us to not make judgments against people and become angry. Amen
Thought for the Day: There are situations that we do not understand fully, help us to not become angry and judgmental.
Nancy Higgs

Saturday, March 27, 2010

“What’s in Your Pocket?”

Read Psalm 31: 1-16

Key Verse: Verse 3a “You are indeed my rock and my fortress…”

“What’s in Your Pocket?”

Rocks! Everywhere we go he picks up a new rock. He has a whole collection of rocks. For Christmas Santa Claus even brought him a sack of polished rocks in his stocking. They go into his pocket, a reminder of where we have been that day.

Rocks are a geological wonder! When you study the different kinds of rocks you discover the miracle of the creation of the whole world.

In verse 3a of Psalm 31 we read, ‘You are indeed my rock and my fortress..” The writer is speaking of God. He is saying that God is giving him his strength to make it through each day.

We have many trials and temptations that we face. We wonder how we are going to get through each day and week. Let God be your rock and your strength. God will help you in the struggle.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for loving us and forgiving us our sins as we also forgive those who sin against us. Help us to look to you as our rock.
Thought for the Day: Jesus is my rock and my strength.
Nancy Higgs

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Betrayal of Jesus

Read: Matt 26: 14 - 27, 66

The Betrayal of Jesus

Have you ever been betrayed by someone close to you; your parents, brothers, sisters, other family members, spouse, or any other person important to you? Jesus was betrayed by his disciples. First there was Judas, then Peter’s denial, and Judas identifying Jesus with a kiss on the cheek. These disciples were chosen to fulfill the prophecy that Jesus would die to pay for our sins. By his grace we are set free from our wrongdoings.

When I look back at my life, it seems as if most of the people who were the closest to me have betrayed me. Each time this occurred, the pain and suffering I felt was pretty awful. But each time, I was reminded that my faith is in God. He is the one who is always there for me. In times of great suffering, he is walking beside me. It doesn’t mean that I will not have pain and suffering, but I know that he will walk with me. At times, I have felt him as he carried me because I was too weak to walk.

Just as Jesus asked our Father in heaven, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” So should we forgive those who have hurt us. But that’s is not all. There is more that we should do and I was reminded of this by one of the folks I met at the Reconciler. He told me that I should ask that person for forgiveness. Now, I realize that sounds backwards. Why should I ask this person who hurt me for forgiveness. Why should I pray for blessings on them? Just try it. It can change your life. It may or may not change the life of the person who hurt you, but it can change your attitude about how you go through your life.
TODAY: Just think about someone who hurt you. Pray for God to bless them and bring all good things to them. Do this for fourteen days. It can change your life. Forgive them just as our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ asked that God forgive the people who betrayed him.
Gay Blalock

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Wait for the Lord

Psalm 130

I Wait for the Lord

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. (Psalm 130:5, NIV)

Waiting is so difficult! Patience is considered a fruit of the spirit, but so many of us find ourselves growing restless when waiting for an answer to a prayer. We get ourselves into deep trouble without any help from God. We struggle on our own for so long, then “out of the depths” we cry to God. Then we sit and wait for an answer. “Where are you, God?” we ask. “Aren’t you listening?”

The psalmist describes waiting as an activity, not a something passive. While we wait we pray, we hope, and we trust in the Lord’s redemption. The poet gives us the image of a watchman waiting for the morning. The watchmen is alert, attentive, but never in doubt that the dawn will break and a new day will begin.

We must wait in the same way. If we trust God, if we believe in God’s redeeming love, then we understand that when our prayers are answered doesn’t matter. We know they will be answered—in God’s time.

Dear God, Thank you for being with us as we struggle through life’s difficulties. Help us to put our faith, our trust, in You. Amen.

Karla Price Higgs

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Signing the Good News

We're grateful to Ann Hill for offering her services of signing for the deaf every Sunday morning during worship. She became aware of Church of the Reconciler when she attended the recent memorial service for homeless people who died during the cold on the streets of Birmingham. While serving lunch at the Community Kitchen one day after the service, she asked someone what they knew about our church. "I don't have lot of personal knowledge about the church," she was told, "but I know that Reconciler is the go-to place for the homeless when they are in crisis."

Now, Ann drives 50 miles one way to attend worship with us and to sign the entire service. When you see her, thank her for joining our community and for her commitment to our ministry. And if you know anyone who's looking for a worship service with a signer for the deaf, tell them to visit us!

Inspired to Do Good

Read II Phillipians 2:5-11

The attitude you should have is the one that Christ Jesus Had:

Phillipians 2:4 (TEV)
One day my step daughters were disagreeing and one said to the other in a piercing high pitched voice: “you have an attitude.” I thought – hum m…I wonder if she means good or bad? I think I know.

The Christians at Phillipi had an attitude problem and Paul wanted to inspire them to have love and compassion toward one another. He reminded them how Jesus came to where they (and we) were suffering. He came “out of the ivory palaces into a world of world of woe.” The poet Charles Wesley expressed it this way in two phrases:

“Mild he lays His glory by, and
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see.”

Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to have love and compassion on others if you are angry, selfish and revengeful?

Phillip P. Bliss reminds us
“Man or Sorrows! What a name
for the Son of God who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim!
Hal-le-lu-jah, What a Savior!”


I challenge you to empty your selfish ego and go “help somebody…” who is suffering and see how good it makes you feel and what it can do for your attitude.

Dear God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, inspire us by your example to also be willing to suffer on behalf of others.
He that gets down and dirty to help others shall be exalted.
Hurting Homeless Humans
William Ray Wade

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 3/24

At our Church of the Reconciler Wednesday Night Evening Prayer this week we will be reading, praying, and meditating on the following Scripture Lessons: Psalm 121, Jeremiah 23:16-32, John 10:1-18. Our Evening Prayer begins at 6:30 PM in the Vennie Paulk Room.

Table Blessings

Read Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29
Key Verse: Verse 29a “Give thanks to the Lord, who is good…”
Table Blessings
Many families and individuals say a table blessing or grace before every meal. It has always been a tradition in our family to say “the blessing” before we eat. At Church of the Reconciler, we sing our blessing on Sunday mornings before we eat our common meal. It does not matter if you are “in tune: or on pitch” the important thing is that you are stopping to give thanks to the Lord.

In the United Methodist Women’s Spiritual Growth Study for 2009 we studied the theme Food and Faith. In this study the group at Camp Sumatanga wrote new table blessings. A booklet was put together of the graces.

The familiar blessing that children learn to say, “Thank you for the food we eat, Thank you for the birds that sing, Thank you God for everything. Amen.” (Author Unknown) is remembered by many people.

Often we have sung the Doxology as a blessing, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God, all creatures here below, Praise God above ye heavenly hosts, Praise God, the Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.” (p. 95 Methodist Hymnal.)

What ever blessing you use in your family or church groups, the important thing to remember is to “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.”
Prayer: We just want to say thank you for loving us and showing us how to live and love our neighbor. Be with us as we give thanks to you. Amen.
Thought for the Day: Give thanks to God for his mercy and grace.
Nancy Higgs

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Triumphal Entry

The Triumphal Entry

Luke 19:37-40 When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mt. of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord, Pease in heaven and glory in the highest!”

Some of the Pharisees in the crown said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” “I tell you,” Jesus replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.!”

Several years ago I have the privilege of working with the North Alabama Conference Cooperative School of Christian Mission One Day Children’s Event. We had over 350 children in attendance that year. I had begged family and friends to help with the hiking, crafts, food serving, and dance/games segments of the day. When the children arrived at camp that morning they were so excited that the workers became excited also. We were living on the high excitement from being together to learn about Jesus, being privileged enough to bring gifts of school supplies for children in another country, and time together to sing and dance the stories of Jesus. This is how the disciples of Jesus must have felt that day near the road to the Mt. of Olives. Joyfully praising God, and announcing to the world that the King they had been expecting had come. The people in authority tried to quiet the crowd, and told Jesus to keep them quiet. But Jesus must have been amused, and replied that he couldn’t keep them quiet…the disciples were overjoyed and excited and bounding with joy with having Jesus in their midst. Jesus said the excitement was such that even the stones on the ground were alive with joy and excitement.
Prayer: Lord, let us pray that we keep the excitement and joy of Jesus and his love for each of us alive and flowing each day of our lives. Amen

God at Work in the Morning

Read Scripture: Isaiah 50: 4-9a

Key Verse: Verse 4b-5a “He wakes me up in the morning, wakes me up, opens my ears to listen..” The Message

God at Work in the Morning

God wakes us up every morning to listen to his voice. We are to be ready to listen to the words God has for us each new day.

Often when we have prayers at Church of the Reconciler, people will thank God for waking them up this morning. They are grateful for a new day to worship God and be a part of God’s family. They do not worry about having all the “things of this world,” rather they are content to be alive and ready to listen to God’s command.

In this passage of scripture, Isaiah is telling us that God is ready to support us in all our actions for him. Peterson says in The Message that God is the Master God who is ready to give us strength to overcome all things.

Let us be awake and have our ears and eyes open to new possibilities. God will support us.
Prayer: Gracious God, help us to be awake every morning to new things you would have us do for you. Amen
Thought for the Day: Be awake, God wants you to listen.
Nancy Higgs

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Church of the Reconciler continues to grow

We had a fulfilling worship celebration again today and welcomed two new members during the service. Tommy Simms was baptized and accepted into our fellowship, and Ervin Miles came to us as a new member through a profession of faith.

We celebrated Ervin's return after an absence while he had surgery for cancer. The surgery was successful and we pray for Ervin's continued recovery.

Many thanks to Midway United Methodist Church for providing lunch today.

And if you weren't in worship with us, you missed a moving rendition of "I can't even walk" by our praise band. Thanks to them for sharing their talent and inspiring us each week.

          I thought number one would surely be me,
          I thought I could be what I wanted to be.
          I thought I could build on life's sinking sand
          But I can't even walk without You holding my hand.

            I can't even walk without You holding my hand.
            The mountain's too high and the valley's too wide.
            Down on my knees, I learned to stand.
            And I can't even walk without You holding my hand.

          I think I'll make Jesus my One and my All
          From now on when in trouble, only His name I'll call
          And If I can't trust Him, I'll be less of a man
          'Cause I can't even walk without You holding my hand.

            I can't even walk without You holding my hand.
            The mountain's too high and the valley's too wide.
            Down on my knees, I learned to stand.
            And I can't even walk without You holding my hand.

            Down on my knees, I learned to stand.
            And I can't even walk without You holding my hand.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Betrayal of Jesus

Read: Matt 26: 14 - 27, 66


Have you ever been betrayed by someone close to you; your parents, brothers, sisters, other family members, spouse, or any other person important to you? Jesus was betrayed by his disciples. First there was Judas, then Peter’s denial, and the disciples falling asleep in the garden. These disciples were chosen to fulfill the prophecy that Jesus would die to pay for our sins. By his grace we are set free from our wrongdoings.

When I look back at my life, it seems as if most of the people who were the closest to me have betrayed me. Each time this occurred, the pain and suffering I felt was pretty awful. But each time, I was reminded that my faith is in God. He is the one who is always there for me. In times of great suffering, he is walking beside me. It doesn’t mean that I will not have pain and suffering, but I know that he will walk with me. At times, I have felt him as he carried me because I was too weak to walk.

Just as Jesus asked our Father in heaven, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” So should we forgive those who have hurt us. But that’s is not all. There is more that we should do and I was reminded of this by one of the folks I met at the Reconciler. He told me that I should ask that person for forgiveness. Now, I realize that sounds backwards. Why should I ask this person who hurt me for forgiveness. Why should I pray for blessings on them? Just try it. It can change your life. It may or may not change the life of the person who hurt you, but it can change your attitude about how you go through your life.
TODAY: Just think about someone who hurt you. Pray for God to bless them and bring all good things to them. Do this for fourteen days. It can change your life. Forgive them just as our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ asked that God forgive the people who betrayed him.
Gay Blalock

Friday, March 19, 2010

Royal Cup Coffee

We're thrilled to announce that Royal Cup Coffee will now provide coffee AND cups to Church of the Reconciler on a regular basis!

This means we no longer need donations of coffee, so groups who want to collect items to support our ministry can choose to meet other needs.

We appreciate the generosity of Royal Cup Coffee!

Whatever I can find to use my hands to do your work, I do with love

Read John 12: 20-33

Whatever I can find to use my hands to do your work, I do with love

Most of my childhood memories are good ones. Especially at home with my sister, mother and father. My negative experiences came from outside forces as a young persons and as an adult. We lived in a community that included family members from both my parents’ side of the family. I remember the times during the post depression years where folks had to have stamps to purchase certain food items. I often wondered why life was so hard on everyone. I often made up stories of how we should be living. Such as a house with a systems that would give us heat and not one where everyone had to sit around the “stove” to keep warm. My fond memory is the comment my mom and dad always told us when we asked questions about the conditions which we lived. Both would tell us “that everything would be alright.” My sister appeared comfortable with their answer. However, I went away dissatisfied and often found myself in quite, wondering about their answer. I learned to find something to do instead of sitting around in quite “frustration” I made doll clothes, and we would keep and heal any small animal that my dad would bring home with a limp. Today, I refer to the quite periods of comfort that I witness by my parents as “faith and hope” for a determined family.

We did not have the money that was spoken of in John 12: 1-11. Instead, there were many experiences of blessing similar to the ones that Mary gave to Christ who had given real tokens of love to her and her family.

Dear God, bless us with your love, give us encouragement when our soul is full of sorrow. Bless us as we continue to do your work for all your children. Amen

Thought for Today:
Let us all come together for good of all people.

Mary Jones, Chairperson, Board of Stewards

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Joy for the Journey

Read Scripture: Hebrews 5: 5-10

Key Verse: 10b “ He became the source of eternal salvation for all who believe and obey him.” The Message

Joy for the Journey

The scriptures hold more than a share of mysteries for me. Given the task recently of pondering the fifth chapter of Hebrews, I had to wonder about the order of Melchizedek. If God has designated Jesus as a high priest in that order (at least according to Paul in this epistle), it must matter for something.

A basic internet search about the order of Melchizedek confirms that we live in interesting times. One source describes “The Most Remarkable New/Ancient Spiritual Science Of Our Time: The Melchizedek Method Incorporating The Triple Hologram of Love Merkaba (huh?)” Other websites on the topic display flaming graphics and delve into lengthy end-of-time discussions. After sifting through the information and misinformation, it would appear that this description of Jesus was intended to shore up his legitimacy to a certain audience – one for whom the words had meaning.

None of us is an objective reader. We come to our reading of the Bible and other texts at a particular place on our own unique journey. What makes little sense at one point may reveal itself more fully as our experience of the world evolves. Some passages fade from favor, while others continue to enrich our spirit. Perhaps what matters is that we have been granted the opportunity for ongoing dynamic engagement with faith and ideas. Our questions and our answers grow through that engagement. What a joy and a challenge for our journey!

Jennifer Sanders

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

At our Church of the Reconciler Wednesday Night Evening Prayer this week we will be reading, praying, and meditating on the following Scripture Lessons:

Psalm 107
Jeremiah 18:1-11
John 6:27-40

Our Evening Prayer begins at 6:30 PM in the Vennie Paulk Room. I hope you can come.

Cleaning Our Hearts

Saint Patrick’s Day
Read Scripture: Psalm 51- 1-12

Key Verse: Verse 10: “Create in me a clean heart of God, and put a new and right spirit within me.”
Cleaning Our Hearts
Many people come in and out of our lives, making an impression on us that last forever. Such is the case of a simple women, a mother, a grandmother, a sincere person of the faith. Our gathering room at Church of the Reconciler is named in her memory: Mrs. Vennie Paulk.

Miss Vennie, as many of us called her, because she called us, Mrs. Nancy, or Mrs. Mary, did not have material possessions, but she had a heart that God had cleansed and made new for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Miss Vennie’s favorite scripture was verse 10 of Psalm 51. She would quote it at the end of each of her prayers. “Create in me a clean heart of God, and (renew) put a new and right spirit within me.”

Miss Vennie had a heart for prayer. She prayed daily for Church of the Reconciler and that we would have a place of worship. She said one time that she hoped we would find one soon, because her knees were sure getting tired from praying. She did not live to see us get into our present building. She died of a heart attack one Sunday afternoon after being at church with us that morning. I am sure she smiles at us from her heavenly place as we worship together.

Miss Vennie had a heart cleansed for the Holy Spirit. Do you? You can!

God is waiting to create in YOU a clean heart this Lent.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, we want to have a new heart and a new spirit of love! Help us this Lent to turn to you to find it. Amen
Though of the Day: A new and right spirit is in our future in Jesus Christ.
Nancy Higgs

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Reflections on a Name: Church of the Reconciler

One of our scriptures this past Sunday was 2 Corinthians 5:14-21. This scripture was the foundation for choosing the name Church of the Reconciler. At the time, we were a small prayer group searching for a name that would reflect our ministry. Fourteen years later, we still have to help people spell and even pronounce 'Reconciler.' It is a word that is foreign to far too many Christians.

Verse 19 in the New International Version says, "God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation." The Contemporary English Version puts it this way: "What we mean is that God was in Christ, offering peace and forgiveness to the people of this world. And he has given us the work of sharing his message about peace."

So, the ministry of reconciliation is the ministry of peace. It's that simple. The heart of reconciliation is peacebuilding. If we lay claim to following the Prince of Peace, we must be active, not passive followers. We must become peacebuilders.

And what are the principles of peacebuilding?
1. In all things we are nonviolent.
2. We seek to eliminate disrespect.
3. We recognize success and and congratulate each other.
4. We acknowledge hurts.
5. We seek to heal wounds.
6. We choose and consult wise people.
7. We serve one another.

Which of these principles is hardest for you to practice consistently? Which is the easiest? How can you help other peacebuilders to live actively in a ministry of reconciliation?

Be Glad in the Lord

Read Psalm 126

Key Verse: Verse 3: “The Lord has done great things for us ; we are glad.”

Be Glad in the Lord

“Count your many blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God has done.” These words from a familiar hymn in the church remind us to be thankful! Not just at certain times of the year, but all the time, and to be glad and rejoice.

Have you thought about the blessings we have in our lives? We have our families who love us. We have our church who supplies our spiritual foundation. Some of us have homes and jobs, for which we are very thankful and glad. We have our friends who stand with us in times of trouble and well as times joy.

We have a lot to be glad about in our daily activities.

In Psalm 126 the writer tells us to be glad in the Lord, for the Lord has done great things for us. Start counting! You will not be able to stop. Be glad in the Lord!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, we rejoice in your love and the blessings that we receive from you. Help us to always praise your name and be glad! Amen
Though for the Day: Look around you at the beauty of the new spring! God is blessing you with new life! Experience it with gladness!
Nancy Higgs

Monday, March 15, 2010

I Will Send Forth Spring

Read Isaiah 43: 16-20

I Will Send Forth Spring

Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert…to give drink to My people, My chosen.” (Isaiah 43:18-20)

The preparations that we need for the coming days of Spring are those that prepare our hearts. Isaiah says that we are more sinful than we had thought, but we are also more loved by God than we can imagine!

God’s love for us is unchangeable. We can in these days hope to understand those who we do not see as like us. "Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you” God has said to those who have extended the hand of reconciliation.

God warns that now is the time for all of us to reconcile our differences and to make amends. Life is short. Eternity is long. Eternity is about God.
O LORD who has created us, help us to put away our fear and to remember that we have been redeemed even as we face Eternity.
Focus: Reconciliation is possible even in these times.
Kay Phillips

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lost: A Sheep, A Coin, and a Son

Read Scripture Luke 15: 1-3 11b-32

Key Verse: Verse 32: “He was lost, but now is found.” from The Message

Lost: A Sheep, A Coin, and a Son

Have you ever lost anything that was very important to you? It upsets you, doesn’t it? You look everywhere for it, hoping that it will show up.

In these three stories in Luke 15 Jesus is talking about such a loss. He is also talking about the joy of finding that which was lost.

Jesus tells us that even one missing sheep out of 100 is very important to God. He tells us that a small coin, lost in a household is important and the whole house is swept till it is found. And finally he tells the story of the lost son. The son who was only interested in himself and the pleasures of this world, and finally hit rock bottom and came home. The father welcomed him home and celebrated his homecoming with a feast.

These three stories tell us that Jesus wants us to stay connected! Jesus wants us to come back to him if things go wrong. Jesus shows us that forgiveness is always there for us.

Have you strayed from God’s household? Do you need to come back home and live in love and forgiveness. God is welcoming you! Jesus is waiting on you!
Prayer: Thank you, O God, for your love and forgiveness. Help us to celebrate life with joy when the lost come home. Amen
Thought of the Day: Jesus is waiting to forgive and celebrate your homecoming.
Nancy Higgs

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Undergirded by Love

Scripture: Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22

Text: O give thanks to the Lord for the Lord is good; for the Lord’s steadfast love endures forever!

The life which I have experienced has been a rugged process with some interludes which have resolved into pleasant peacefulness. What I understand of history is that the journey has been to a large extent a rugged process for the human race thus far. We are not unique in our time and in our circumstances to be faced with many challenges that resist easy resolution.

The writer of this song nevertheless sees life as essentially good and undergirded by a love that is unending. Indeed as a specie, that the human race is still here is a testimony to the reliability of that love.
When we are at times searching for a reason to be hopeful, the endurance of human beings on this planet for several million years is one source for hopefulness and thankfulness of spirit.
Prayer: Lord, you already know but we need to tell you ourselves just how challenged we often feel with the ruggedness of life. Thank you for your affirming and ongoing love. Amen.
Thought for today: We are sustained by love beyond our full comprehension.
Glenn Hand-Truitt

Friday, March 12, 2010

Who Would Do This?

Luke 22: 14-23, 56

Who Would Do This?

A servant girl saw [Peter] seated there in the firelight. She looked closely and said, “This man was with him.” (Luke 22:56, NIV)

Jesus had served the Passover meal just a few hours before. He had made the terrible announcement that someone at the table would betray him. The disciples began to question who it might be. “Is it him?” “Is it you?” “Surely it isn’t me…or is it? Did I say something I didn’t intend that will get Jesus in trouble? What troubling questions must have spun through the disciples’ minds.

Seeing that Judas was the betrayer must have been , to some, almost a relief. “At least it wasn’t me,” Peter may have thought. “Everyone knows I’m still Jesus’ friend.”

But the betrayals weren’t over. When Jesus is arrested, Peter followed at a distance, afraid to leave his friend and afraid to get too close. When someone spots Peter and targets him as one of Jesus’ disciples, Peter denies that he ever knew him—not just once, but three times.

For each of us, building a relationship with Jesus is a daily task. Sometimes we succeed in being the people God wants us to be. Sometimes we fail. The next day, the struggle continues again. The Good News is that Jesus is with us through our struggles, nurturing us, forgiving us, helping us to grow and mature. Thanks be to God!

Dear God, Grant us the strength to learn from our failures and grow in our successes. Help us to greet every day as an opportunity to make the choices you would have us to make. Amen.

Karla Price Higgs

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Reconciler Update

Hello Reconciler Friends!

I hope you are staying dry on this soggy day.

Reminder: This Saturday night we turn our clocks forward an hour to start Daylight Savings Time - Spring Forward! Be sure to change your clocks so you arrive for worship at the right time!

There will be a banquet meeting tomorrow night, Thursday, March 11th at 7:00 p.m. at Riverchase UMC. This meeting is for those selling tickets and tables. It is not for those working in decorations, food, or the silent auction. We’re blessed to have a professional fundraiser, Dan Townsend, helping us this year. He’ll be presenting a plan for selling tickets. The banquet is Friday night, April 23, at Vestavia Hills UMC. Tickets are $100/seat and $1,000 for a table of 10. Special thanks to Amy Miller from Clearwater Community Church for agreeing to chair the silent auction this year.

Also, we appreciate the efforts of Wayne McCrary from ChristWay Church in Gardendale. He is doing great things in the clothes closet and working there every Tuesday and Thursday.

Census News. This past Tuesday morning, 18 people showed up to take the Census test at Church of the Reconciler. And on March 30th, Census workers will come to Reconciler to count members of the homeless community during our day program.

Mark your calendar and plan to join us on Palm Sunday when our children will present a special program during worship!

Our annual Stations of the Cross will begin from Church of the Reconciler on Good Friday, April 2. We’ll let you know the time in our next update.

Have you checked out lately? The homeless covet your prayers and notes.

We’re making plans to update our blog at more often, so be watching the site for more up-to-date news. If you are on Facebook, sign up for the Church of the Reconciler fan page!

Needs: we need juice boxes and hand sanitizer for the children’s department.

Thanks for all you do,

We should love and serve both God and humanity.

Scripture: Read John 12: 1-8

Key vs 8: “You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.”

Have you heard the first part of the key verse used to justify poverty? After all, Jesus said it! Sadly, poverty and its effects seem to be a reality of our human condition of selfishness, lack of empathy and just plain “don’t care” attitude. Judas’ point about a better use of the money makes sense, until we know the rest of the story and realize his motive.

Balance is a big issue with me. The older I get, the more it seems that God created balance in all things: light/dark, good/evil, left/right, up/down, etc. Since God gave us freedom of choice, it makes “motive” in our choices very important. We must balance not only what is good, but what might be better or best. Mary’s choice was the best at the time. Jesus was shown the love and adoration he so badly needed. That makes Jesus’ statement about the poor understandable. They can be cared for after he is gone.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 tells us that there is a time for every matter under heaven.

It is right and our duty to be concerned with the poor, just as it is our right and privilege to worship and praise our Lord. Let us not be too critical of actions until we have more information about motives. Let us be sure that we examine and balance our own motives to the glory of God.
Prayer: Loving God, we need you! The world can be a harsh place for many. You know our hearts and motives, and that we often have good intentions but fail to act on them. Help us to balance our devotion to you with the needs of your people. Amen. Let it be.
Thought for the day: We should love and serve both God and humanity.

Margaret Sherrill

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Focused on the Goal

Read Phil. 3: 4b-14

Key Verse: Verse 14: …I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward…to Jesus. I’m off and running and I am not turning back.” Message

Focused on the Goal

The Olympics have finished. The torch has been extinguished. Athletics from around the world came together focused on their goal—the gold. The events are over and they have returned to their homeland. Some saw their goal accomplished, others did not.

In our key verse we read that we should have our eye on the goal of a closer relationship with Jesus. Just as in any athletic event the winner is usually the one who has worked the hardest, but accidents can always interrupt the attempt toward the gold medal. In our pursuit of the goal of being closer to Jesus Christ, we just must remain focused. In this time of Lent, keep yourself focused on the love of Jesus for the entire world. Do not let others distract you from your goal.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, keep us focused on you as we live these 40 days of Lent. Amen
Thought of the Day: Focus your eye upon Jesus. “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.” Page 349 United Methodist Hymnal, words and music by Helen H. Lemmel.
Nancy Higgs

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

“How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven…”

Read Psalm 32

“How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven…”

Psalm 32: 1 (NAS)

“How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered! How blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity.”

David does also say that when he kept silent about his sin, his “body wasted away”…and his “vitality was drained away.” How David was burdened by his transgressions; how we are burdened by our transgressions. Book of Common Prayer (Episcopal) calls us to confess those things done and those things left undone. This then affords me the opportunity to listen to myself and to listen to the Spirit that will reveal those things to me that I need to confront, to acknowledge my shortcomings. While it is usually easy for us to recognize the for the opportunity to seek forgiveness for those most obvious transgressions, the ignoring of those less obvious commissions and omissions results in living blindly. By listening, praying and asking God to transform with forgiveness and healing, I then can grow more fully into maturity. I can truly find myself wasted away with my vitality drained by choosing to remain unconscious.

The call to consciousness is our life’s task for it is the call to openness and allows God’s spirit to inhabit more of me. I am truly convinced that our transgressions are a direct result of our unconsciousness, our unconscious fears, wounds, and insecurities that drive many of our choices and actions, many of whom are often self-destructive resulting in addictions…drink, drugs, food, idle business, etc. So may we all ask for the desire and for the strength to know ourselves so that the Light of Christ may penetrate our being, so that the Love of Christ may shine forth in our daily lives, so that we may be set free to truly live abundantly to love and serve one another.

Mary J. Wade (Birmingham, AL)

God, Creator of the Universe, Source of all Wisdom, Truth and Love, please open me to the power of your Spirit to be still, to listen and confess my transgressions, known and unknown so that I might be forgiven and healed, so that I might become the person that you created me to be.

Monday, March 08, 2010

God Supplies our Need

Read this Scripture: Joshua 5: 9-12

Key Verse: Verse 12 b “The manna ceased on the day they ate the produce of the land…..They ate the crops of the land of Canaan that year.”

The Message:  God Supplies our Need

Times were really hard for the people. They had left Egypt and were wondering around heading for the promised land of Canaan. God had taken care of them by providing manna for them. Now it was time for them to take care of their own needs.

In our spiritual journey, we too must depend upon God for our well being.

God does take care of us. Then comes the time to dig down deep in our hearts and say, “Yes, God, you and I together can do this, we can make it.”

There are times at Church of the Reconciler that we do not know where our next meal will come from. Then, by the Grace of God, someone comes in with gifts of food for our people. Every Sunday, we have a meal that is provided by some group that has heard the call of God in their hearts to come forth and serve the poor. Through the years we have discovered that God is always there to supply our need.

“God is good.”

“All the time.”

“All the time, God is good.”
Prayer: Thank you God for people who are listening for your call. Help us to reach out to serve others and become stronger in our faith by knowing God loves us and supplies our need.
Nancy DeVore Higgs

Saturday, March 06, 2010

How to live out that grace in our own lives.

Eph.2: 1-10

I bought a poster in San Salvador, El Salvador in 1991. It hangs on the wall above my desk as I write. Created at the Universidad Centroamericana, it commemorates the 1989 murders of 6 Jesuit priests, their housekeeper, and her 16-year daughter. They died at the hands of the Salvadoran military because of their tireless witness for God’s justice in our broken world.

As we consider Lent, the example of the martyrs of UCA reminds us of the gravity of the journey. It embodies the sacrifice that some have made for their understanding of the obligations of a Christian life. It calls us to courage and commitment as we examine how faith and grace transform us if we allow it. In this time and place, these are not matters of life and death for most of us – yet this calling has everything to do with how we choose to live.

In the second chapter of his letter to the people of Ephesus, Paul asserts that “by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing.” That part is taken care of. Our responsibility is to figure out daily how to live out that grace in our own lives. Our inheritance is to believe and to act and to love. That is grace for me – this love that troubles the waters. The Lenten journey reminds us of the stakes.

Jennifer Sanders

Friday, March 05, 2010


Read II Corinthians 5:16-21
That is (our message is this) God was in Christ reconciling the world to him self, not counting their trespasses against them, ant entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.

II Corinthians 6:19

I am not bragging when I say I am a reconciler. I have no choice, you have no choice. “So we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.” V. 10.

Why should we appeal to others? Because we want others to know that no matter who they are, what they have done (or not done) or where they are from – they are valuable in God’s eyes. We are not to regard other people as mere humans but as humans whose value is decided by God’s his standards and not ours. Our worth is not based on a worldly standard that says we have worth only if we produce…

I learned that when we judge others based only on what we know it can be wrong. While visiting the lady who was my Sunday School teacher and Vacation Bible School teacher when I was growing up, I talked about how kind, loving and soft spoken she was and how she reminded me of what Jesus must have been like. Her husband listened quietly until I paused and then he said in his slow, thick southern drawl, “Yes, but preacher you don’t live with her.” That’s true but I know that not only was “Christ in” her but to me she was always “in Christ.”

Dear Creator God, thank you for reminding us that our mission is to be your ambassador on Earth and our ministry is to be a reconciler!
By making friend, you make friends with God.
People unlovely to me have already been loved by God.
William Ray Wade

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Controlling our mouths and opening our hearts is what God wants.

Read Scripture: Psalm 19

Key Verse: Verse 14 “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

Familiar words! The United Methodist Youth Benediction! As a youth growing up in the Methodist Church (Now the United Methodist Church) every Sunday night we would close the meeting with a prayer circle and the whole group saying the MYF Benediction. It gave closure to the meeting. It gave us a sense of community till we met again.

In Psalm 19 we have these words given to us to remind us to be blameless and be innocent of great transgressions. We are urged to let our mouths and our hearts be acceptable to God. In these days of Lent, let us also let our mouths and hearts be acceptable to God.
Prayer: O Lord, help us to live our lives that we can be acceptable to you. Amen
Thought for the Day: Controlling our mouths and opening our hearts is what God wants.
Nancy D. Higgs

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

God Has Been With Me

Read this Scripture: 1 Corinth. 10:1-13

Key Verse: 1 Corinth. 10: 13

“So, If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you do not fall!”

God Has Been With Me

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man, and God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Standing firm to not fall as I go through life, I have come to know that God has been with me through all my suffering. And with that suffering, it produces perseverance and character. And with that I will not fall! I will keep standing on my faith.
Prayer: God be with us all.
Michael D. Brown

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

God’s Sensual Presence

Scripture:  Psalm 63:1-8

Text: My soul thirsts for you; my flesh pants for you, as in a dry and weary land where no water is.

As I have read this scripture over and over what continues to stand out to me at this time is the importance of our senses to our intouchness with the Divine. The writer of this ancient song seems unafraid and unashamed to refer to his senses as he speaks of the importance of God in his life. This suggests that he understood his body and the senses associated with his body to be integral to his spiritual life.
This suggests to me that what I experience through my senses is to be trusted, respected and appreciated.
Prayer: Thank you for enriching our lives through our bodily senses and speaking lovingly and faithfully to us through them. Amen.
Thought for today: May any attitude that our senses are a spiritual negative dissolve into thankful appreciation of them.
Glenn Hand-Truitt

Monday, March 01, 2010

God invites me to a more abundant life.

Read Isaiah 55: 1-9
Key vs 5: Incline your ear, and come to me; listen, so that you may live.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, even without money, everyone could have enough to eat and drink? God’s provision in creation was meant to be sufficiency, even abundance, for all. Sadly, our human, sinful nature has produced greed and selfishness, and many people lack even these basics Those with money often waste it on things of little value, or on damaging things like drugs and unhealthy lifestyles.

Everyone is invited to the abundant life God offers. No matter our circumstance, God offers pardon and mercy to anyone who follows God’s ways. Sometimes we “know” better than we “do”. There is no better time than during Lent to follow the advice of this scripture: Incline your ear (hear), seek the Lord, call on him (pray), forsake wicked ways and unrighteous thoughts (repent).
Life may be miserable because of circumstances, bad judgment, or injustice, or life might be relatively good. What all of us can have, with God in control, is a life full of blessings both physical and spiritual.
Prayer: God of glory, Lord of life, Creator and Redeemer, give us wisdom and desire to examine our ways and to come closer to our source of abundant life in Jesus Christ. Amen. Let it be.
Thought for the day: God invites me to a more abundant life.
Margaret Sherrill

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Stand Up and Keep Going

Read Luke 13: 31-35

Stand Up and Keep Going

31At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him, "Leave this place and go somewhere else. Herod wants to kill you."

32He replied, "Go tell that fox, 'I will drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.' 33In any case, I must keep going today and tomorrow and the next day—for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem!

34"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! 35Look, your house is left to you desolate. I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.'

Jesus must have felt the need to complete the tasks God had laid out before him. He knew his time was short, with many things to complete before the end. He told those who were trying to make him leave that he had to keep going, and was not going to be intimidated by threats from Herod.

What about us today? Are we intimidated by people who want to keep us quiet when we speak of Jesus and the salvation offered to us? Do we tell them we have to keep going, that we have a goal to complete? Or, do we quiet down, and let the crowd speak for us, and slink off and complain that we weren’t allowed to tell our story. We have to stand up and keep going, today, and tomorrow and the next day, so we can be included with those who are blessed as Christians who come and speak and act in the name of the Lord.
Prayer: Lord, keep me strong in your name, so I may tell your story through my thoughts and actions. Amen
Carol Ruth DeVore, Charter Affiliate Member COR

Saturday, February 27, 2010

“Observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us…”

Read Phillipians 3:17 – 4:1

“Observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us…”

Phillipians 3:17 (NAS)

“Brethren, join in following my example, and observe those who walk, according to the pattern you have in us...for our citizenship is in heaven…”

The author of the Letter to the Phillipians, is exhorting all to follow the example that he has set with the warning that destruction is the end result for choosing to set ones mind on earthly things. Since our citizenship is in heaven, I have had to reflect on what this means for me in my life still here on Earth. While Jesus was alive he said often that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Therefore this certainly does not mean that Heaven is to be thought of as some place to which we go after our death, although Paul does allude to this.

Living in the Kingdom then means living as Jesus described and did…showing mercy, showing love to a neighbor that includes the Samaritan…the outcast and the marginal. When I am in community with those outside my usual group of friends, work colleagues, and get to know those in the homeless population that are participating as equals in our worship, who are sharing their gifts as well as their failures, I am acutely aware that I am “living in the kingdom,” a kingdom that is indeed at hand, a kingdom that is inclusive, that shows radical hospitality as Jesus did by dining with those considered unclean and to be avoided. And I am gifted with a reciprocal love and the realization that we are all alike, regardless of our outer garments, our station in life. We are there all being transformed as we are empowered and empower one another with the most radical change agent possible….love that knows no boundaries.
Mary J. Wade (Birmingham, AL)
God of love, God of Truth, open me and enable me to walk as you have demonstrated through the words and life of the Christ, so that I may truly live in the Kingdom here on Earth. Amen.

Friday, February 26, 2010

What Should We Fear?

What Should We Fear?

Read Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18

After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision:
"Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.

God said in these early writings : "I am a shield for you.” Wesley noted emphatically that God said “ I am a shield to you, present with you, (and) actually defending you.”

When I considered this: that God himself is a shield that secures us from destructive evils, a shield ready to protect us, and a shield that surrounds us. - then this assurance should silence all our perplexing fears.

What do we fear today? Being without health care? We also fear attacks by terrorists or criminals. We fear losing our wealth to identity theft, unemployment , rising utility bills, inflation and not having enough money to retire. Some of us fear religious fanatics. Others fear political fanatics. Some of us fear right talk radio while others of us fear left wing talk radio.

We fear global warming, the disappearing countryside and pollution. We fear losing our children to Internet predators and we fear losing our freedom to the mega corporations .

We still fear those who are different from us. If God in his graciousness is ready to stand beside us, then how are we to treat the others who exist along side us in these days of seeming chaos?

Kay Phillips

God, thank you for protecting us Let us share your love and safety with those around us.
When we feel afraid, remembering God’s promise and helping us can bring us peace.
God overcomes our fears.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Remembering why we come into the house of the Lord

Read Psalm 27

Key Verse:

“One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
To gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple.”

Psalm 27:4

One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek:

Changes at work, working more hours than ever before, having more responsibilities, more duties – something new every day it seems. Busy, busy, busy!!

Less time at home with my family which has grown to include an almost two year old, beautiful, very, very busy grandchild. I am tired and weary by the end of the day.

It has been an extremely cold and dreary winter. I woke up several weeks ago on Sunday morning, tired and moody. I wanted to stay home and sleep and rest and basically do nothing that day. But, I knew I had to go to church because of my commitment to the children’s ministry.

As I began to get ready for church, I felt as though God was speaking to me. “Are you coming to My house because you have to be with the kids? Is this a duty visit? Remember when you could not wait to run into My house to spend time with Me?

"Come, I will meet you there”.

I went that morning seeking God and expecting to experience His presence with my brother and sister believers. The Lord is my light; He is my salvation! How could I have gotten so distracted and busy that I forgot what a privilege it is to be able to go to the House of the Lord – to feed upon His Word, to get strength from His Spirit, and be transformed by the mystical power of Holy Communion.

Dear God, forgive me for coming to your house for any reason other than the hope of finding YOU there! Help me Lord to regain my “first love”. Amen

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:  Seek God above everything else, for when you find Him, you cannot help but be transformed unto love.

PRAYER FOCUS: Remembering why we come into the house of the Lord

Sharon Parsons

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We will stand firm against the temptations the devil places before us.

Read Scripture Luke 4: 1-13

Key Verse: Luke 4: 13 “The devil retreated temporarily, lying in wait for another opportunity.”

Jesus had been tempted three times by the devil. Each time Jesus was able to overcome the temptation. Finally, after the third time of tempting Jesus, the devil departed (retreated) but had plans to come back at another time.

We face very similar situations in our Christian journeys. Time after time we are faced with choices. We can either give in to the temptation, or we can stand firm in our commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Verse 13 says that the devil retreated temporarily. By that we know that Jesus continually had to be strong. We too must continually be strong. How can we do this in the face of so many temptations that come our way? We can stay in “the word.” We can read our Bibles and pray. We can stay in a community of faith, living beside fellow Christians who can give us encouragement as we travel along together.

We know that the temptations we face will not completely go away. But we can be like Jesus, and refuse to give in to them.
O God, we know that you are close by us to help us when temptation comes our way. Help us as we travel on our Christian journeys.

Though for the Day:  We will stand firm against the temptations the devil places before us.
Nancy D. Higgs,
Member of the Mildred Taylor Sunday School Class

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Trust God for help in Times of Trouble

Read Romans 10:8b-13

Key Verse: Verse 13: “Everyone who calls, “Help. God gives help.”

Trust God for help in Times of Trouble

Our scripture verse tells us that God is ready to help us. We just need to trust in God for help This is hard to do. We want to take control and be in charge and do it ourselves.

Life is difficult. We face many problems today, financial, health, family.

Take a good look at your life today, see where you can live more simply. Look around you and see who needs help. Can you be that person God is sending to help someone. Spend some time these 40 days of Lent reading the scriptures and praying.

God is ready, willing, and able to help you. Ask God today for help.

A beautiful old hymn entitled, “Trust and Obey” comes to my mind. One of the verses says, “Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share, but our toil he doth richly repay, not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross, but is blest if we trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” (p. 467 United Methodist Hymnal words by John Sammis, Music by Daniel Towner)

Try trusting , God is ready to help.

Prayer:  O God, we trust you for help in times of trouble. Be with us as we call on your name.

Thought for the Day:  Trust God for all things.
Nancy DeVore Higgs, Charter Member of COR

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Refuge in A Scary Place

Psalm 71:1-14

In you, O LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame.
Rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness; turn your ear to me and save me.
Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go;
give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress.
Deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of evil and cruel men.
For you have been my hope, O Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth.
From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother's womb.
I will ever praise you. I have become like a portent to many, but you are my strong refuge.
My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long.
Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone.
For my enemies speak against me; those who wait to kill me conspire together.
They say, "God has forsaken him; pursue him and seize him,
for no one will rescue him." Be not far from me, O God; come quickly, O my God, to help me.
May my accusers perish in shame; may those who want to harm me be covered with scorn and disgrace.
But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.

Key Verses:   In you, O LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame.
Rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness; turn your ear to me and save me.
But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.

A Refuge in A Scary Place

The world is a scary place most of the time. I have friends just this week who are grieving the loss of a 3 month old baby, suffering from injuries in a terrible car wreck and waiting by the hospital bed of their 11 year old son to hear good news that he will recover.   Everyone needs a place of refuge and hope. The key verses from Psalms remind us that the Lord is our refuge and to remember that we always have hope.

Prayer: Praise to you, our Lord, for a place of refuge in a scary world. Thank you for giving us hope.

Beth Ann Higgs, founding member and Church webmaster

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Give Generously to God and Community

Read this Scripture: Deut. 26: 1-11

Key Verse: Verse 10 “Celebrate all the good things that God has given you and your family; you and the Levite and the foreigner who lives with you. “

The Message:  Give Generously to God and Community

All of us can remember that our family tree has the fruit of abuse and battery, even cruel and savage slavery. Yet we know that God has listened to our voice and with a strong hand has brought us to this place and this time.

God is our covenant friend that has been gracious to us all our years. God has given us life and reason, and placed us in a world filled with glory.

May this season of Lent be a period for us to recapture a new gratitude and generosity for the gifts our covenant God has blessed us with, and out of that remembering, be transformed to give of ourselves generously to the community of life.
Prayer: Thank you God for all that you have done for us. Make us to be as generous and gracious as you. Amen

Lawton Higgs, Sr., founding pastor

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lord let me be a steward

All my life I felt that God never paid any attention. I was a good person I was active in church,I help people when I could and often made sacrifices for others. Many times I felt looked over and un appreciated. I left a many of jobs for the same reason. Alot of times I was miserable because I was spiritually self-centered. Through the grace of God I was able to attend a summit for the homeless. Being practically homeless and I had no job. I began to put all my efforts to ending homelessness and promoting housing for those who could not afford housing I began to speak against injustice and for the rights that were do to all. Soon situations in my life began to change ,peace became my companion . I felt great !

Out of the blue God put a good man in my life He offered me a house and a job to pay my bills. Our treasures are stored in heaven yet he rewards us openly.

Prayer: Lord let me be a steward.

Victor Beard, Member of the Coalition for the Homeless at COR

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Essential Thought is Mercy

Read this Scripture: Psalms 51: 1-17

The Essential Thought is Mercy

Have mercy on me oh God. According to your steadfast love, according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgression for I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.

Mercy is not simply feeling compassion but it exists when something is done to alleviate the pain and suffering of our sisters and brothers. Mercy moves the merciful to bestow mercy. Merciful means “full of mercy.” A fountain of mercy that is always ready to reconcile our difference in respect for each other. The merciful person is full of love and one who lives with the love of God and hopefully trust in each other. Having a feeling of sorrow over someone’s bad situations not the mercy described in Psalms 51: 1-17. Mercy is more than just a feeling, it begins with a simple recognition that someone is hurting and it is up to us as stewards to do something about the pain/hurt.

Mother, father and holy God, we beg you to hear our plea and understand our pain. We pray for peach and love for every individual. We must did deep in our own soul so that we do not, in our moments to feel good, dear God, become self-centered in the work we do for the good of others. We pray for a society that will embrace the “toiling majority,” that we live with us each and every day. We thank you Lord Jesus for your everlasting love.

Thought for Today:
Where are we called to serve?

Mary Jones, Lay Leader

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Will You Be God’s Friend?

Read 2 Corinthians 5: 20b-6:10

Key Verse: “…Become friends with God, he is already friends with you”

2 Corinthians 5: 21

The Message: Will You Be God’s Friend?

Are you involved in the social networking on computers called Facebook? If you want to include more people, you invite friends to join you on your Facebook by asking them to “Be your friend.” You can have a Facebook account free by signing up and you can invite others to join you by simply asking them.

Our scripture today asks us to get involved in life by telling others about Jesus Christ and what he has done for us. It says that we are Christ’s representatives. It says that our job is to tell others!

As we participate in Lent this year I hope that you will be about making friends for Jesus Christ. Who have you told about Jesus lately?

Prayer: Dear God, Help us to be about making friends for Jesus Christ. Amen

Thought for the Day: Tell someone about Jesus Christ’s love today.

From a Mildred Taylor Sunday School Class Member

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday Devotional - Let’s Get Serious

Read this Scripture: Joel 2: 1-2, 12-17

Key Verse: Verse 14:” And round up everyone in the country; Get them into God’s Sanctuary for a SERIOUS prayer to God.”

The Message Devotional: Let’s Get Serious

Today is Ash Wednesday, beginning a 40 day period in the Christian church called Lent. It is a time of searching, a time of prayer, a time of looking at your life in relation to God’s miracle of resurrection, Easter Day.

In Church of the Reconciler we will gather for a time of prayer and “putting on of the ashes". Kevin, our pastor, will remind us of our commitment to live a life of service and prayer and place on our foreheads the sign of the cross from ashes.

My first experience of receiving the Ash Wednesday ashes was in Joppa. We were there in the St. Peter Roman Catholic Church on a trip to the Holy Land. Our entire group was worshipping in the huge cathedral and everyone lined up down the central isle heading for the alter toward the priest leading the service. I had not grown up with this ritual, but was moved by the beauty of the service. I got in line with everyone else to receive the ashes. I was not denied. From then on I have always included this SERIOUS part of worship to my 40 days of Lenten worship. As Joel reminds us in verse 14 of Chapter 2, we need to “round up everyone and come together for a SERIOUS time of prayer to God.”

Prayer: O God, help us to celebrate Lent this year in a SERIOUS manner of prayer.

Guide us in these 40 days as we contemplate the life of Jesus Christ, his teachings, and his resurrection.

Thought for the Day: As Christian people, help us to gather for a SERIOUS Lenten prayer.

Nancy DeVore Higgs

Beginning today, we will have a devotional each day for Lent from Reconciler people.

Todays's is by Nancy DeVore Higgs, one of the founding members of Church of the Reconciler; a Sunday School teacher and member of the Board of Stewards, wife of founding pastor and mother of current pastor.