Thursday, March 18, 2010

Joy for the Journey

Read Scripture: Hebrews 5: 5-10

Key Verse: 10b “ He became the source of eternal salvation for all who believe and obey him.” The Message

Joy for the Journey

The scriptures hold more than a share of mysteries for me. Given the task recently of pondering the fifth chapter of Hebrews, I had to wonder about the order of Melchizedek. If God has designated Jesus as a high priest in that order (at least according to Paul in this epistle), it must matter for something.

A basic internet search about the order of Melchizedek confirms that we live in interesting times. One source describes “The Most Remarkable New/Ancient Spiritual Science Of Our Time: The Melchizedek Method Incorporating The Triple Hologram of Love Merkaba (huh?)” Other websites on the topic display flaming graphics and delve into lengthy end-of-time discussions. After sifting through the information and misinformation, it would appear that this description of Jesus was intended to shore up his legitimacy to a certain audience – one for whom the words had meaning.

None of us is an objective reader. We come to our reading of the Bible and other texts at a particular place on our own unique journey. What makes little sense at one point may reveal itself more fully as our experience of the world evolves. Some passages fade from favor, while others continue to enrich our spirit. Perhaps what matters is that we have been granted the opportunity for ongoing dynamic engagement with faith and ideas. Our questions and our answers grow through that engagement. What a joy and a challenge for our journey!

Jennifer Sanders

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