Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Justice for the poor

One of the most unjust taxes is the Alabama tax on groceries. Alabama Arise is leading the campaign for the repeal of this tax, which places an unfair and additional burden on the poor. Here is an update from Alabama Arise on the effort:

"Untax" Tuesday: What does it mean for me?

Here’s an easy way to explain what untaxing groceries will do for every Alabama household: It will give them two weeks’ worth of free groceries every year.

Here’s how it works: Removing the 4 percent state sales tax on groceries will lower everybody’s grocery bill by 4 percent, week after week, all year long. The savings add up to 4 percent of annual grocery costs, and 4 percent of a year is two weeks. That’s the amount of extra cash Alabamians will have in hand to make ends meet.

We estimate that the average Alabama family will save $100 per person every year, but no family is “average.” For some, that’s a high estimate, for others low. No matter what your family spends on groceries, two weeks’ worth every year will make a difference!

HB 1, the bill to “untax groceries,” is expected to move forward this week. Watch for a report on Wednesday’s committee action in the news.

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