Thursday, November 05, 2009

November Update and Christmas information

Here are a few dates for you to put on your calendar:
  • Friday, Nov. 20, there will be a ‘Blanket In” at Kelly Ingram Park in honor of the National Coalition of the Homeless Homeless Day. Members of the Birmingham Coalition of the Homeless will be organizing and participating in the event. 
  • November 22. The children will enjoy a special ‘music camp’ with guests after worship. 
  • The church office will be closed Nov. 26 and 27 for Thanksgiving. 
  • Saturday, Nov. 28 at 9:00, we’ll meet at the church to clean and decorate for Advent. 
  • Wednesdays, Dec. 2 and 9, packing Christmas bags at 6:30. 
  • Sunday, Dec. 13. We’re working on having a Christmas party for the kids after church on this day. We’ll let you know if it works out. 
  • Sunday, Dec. 20. The children will present a special holiday program during worship, and we’ll hand out the Christmas bags to worshippers following the service.
About those Christmas Bags...
We will pack 250 bags for men, 100 for women, and 40 for kids.

Rachael is working on having another church take on the kids’ bags. If she is successful, we only need to collect ‘stuff’ for the adults. Typically we try to have knit hats, gloves, socks, underwear, personal hygiene items, sweatshirts, and candy/snacks. If you can donate, or if you know of a group who is planning to donate, please let us know what items you’ll be collecting so we don’t double up unnecessarily.

We took a vanload of 18 people to Sewannee last week to hear Rev. Michael Battle. Ask someone who went to tell you what the trip meant to them!

We currently have 9 people in Shelter Plus housing with 10 more who have recently been referred. If you have any household goods for people who are setting up a home...linens, dishes, pots and pans, etc...Jo Dobbins has graciously offered to store items until they are needed.

Visits to our Sunday Health Center are growing dramatically. We can use over-the-counter medications, band-aids, and other supplies. Mary Wade says anything you would keep in your medicine cabinet or first aid kit can be of use in our Health Center. (We do not keep prescription meds at the church. Those requiring stronger than OTC meds are given referrals to Cooper Green or Bham Healthcare.) We also need baggies to put the supplies in when we distribute them.

Needs for our children’s program: We need a group or groups to provide lunch on first Sundays. Eight large pizzas or 10 medium pizzas will generally feed our crowd. One church brings hot dogs. The kids enjoy hamburgers too. We always need juice boxes.

Have you started social networking? You can become a fan of Church of the Reconciler on Facebook. And visit our web site Click on ‘Blog’ at the top of the page for current information about activities and needs. Or add your own comment on the blog.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

one-day trip to Sewannee on Oct. 29 for the DuBose lecture by the Rev. Dr. Michael Battle

If you are available to go with us for a one-day trip to Sewannee on Oct. 29 for the DuBose lecture by the Rev. Dr. Michael Battle, please plan to attend. We’ll take Reconciler vans and the event is free. More details to follow, or visit for more information.

Sunday school for the children will resume on Oct 25.

There will be no Sunday School for our kids this week. A couple of our teachers are out of town, and we’ll have our hands full with the new lunch system. Sunday school for the children will resume on Oct 25.

new system for serving the common meal

We are going to institute a new system for the common meal on Sunday. The line has been getting more and more difficult to manage of late, so from now on, we’ll seat people in the sanctuary and take them in to the lunch room, in the order they arrive, 75 at a time. The plates will be served to them at the table, and they’ll have 20 minutes to eat. When the room is cleared, we’ll bring in another room full and they’ll have 20 minutes to eat as well. Those who wish to have more than one plate will leave by the 2nd Ave N door and re-enter from the 14th St door to wait in the sanctuary for their next turn. We’ll continue in this way until the food is gone.

We anticipate some resistance to this new plan at first, but we feel that once the adjustment is made, it will be a calmer and more civil way to serve food on Sunday and during the week as well. We can use all the help we can get for this first run, however. (The church staff has been announcing the change all week, so many will come to church on Sunday expecting the new procedure.) If you are free to help direct folks and keep traffic moving in the correct direction on Sunday, come prepared to volunteer from noon until we have served everyone (or run out of food).

Monday, August 17, 2009

Reconciler on Facebook

Become a fan of Church of the Reconciler on Facebook!

Hosted a first-of-its kind homeless summit

Check out the link for more information on what was discussed. The summit was covered in an article in The Birmingham News on Sunday, August 16th.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Vacation Bible School!

We are having Vacation Bible School this week. Thanks to all the volunteers that are helping us have a great week for our kids.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

June 7-12, 2009 Update

This is a quickie, but here’s a few things to keep in mind:

This Friday, the church will be closed for Annual Conference.Friday, June 12, the office will be closed as well, as our pastors need to be elsewhere. (There may be some meetings, but the Day Program won’t be open for business.)

There’s an education team meeting on June 10 at 5:30 p.m., before the Wednesday night prayer meeting. We’re hoping to include all Sunday school teachers and folks who work with our kids in any way, so please plan to attend if at all possible.

Don’t forget Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 22-26. We can always use more help, so feel free to drop by if you are able!

Have a great week,

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Reconciler Update from Marti Slay

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend, so we won’t be picking up kids for Sunday school. Teachers who are going to be there may be needed to work with a few kids who show up on their own, but Mary Wade won’t be there to do music. I’ll be out of town too. Remember that we also won’t have our usual Sunday school on July 5, and Sept. 6, because we have too much trouble getting shepherds on holiday weekends and we’re usually shorthanded on teachers as well.

Our new District Superintendent is Ron Schultz. Kevin met with him recently and said he had a very productive meeting. We look forward to having Ron join us sometime this summer for worship.

We’re working on getting out an issue of the RoundTable very soon. Let me know if you have any news items that need to be included.

Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 22-26. Plans are coming along nicely, but we can always use extra hands, if you are able to volunteer. We’re still working on the meals. If you are able to donate anything or know of someone who can, call Rachael or Nancy.

We need to have an education committee meeting soon. We’re looking at setting one on an upcoming Wednesday night at 5;30, before the usual prayer meeting. If you work with the children in any way, we hope you’ll be able to be there. Specific date and time to come soonest.

Finally, thanks so much for all the kind words, calls and cards during my father-in-law’s recent illness and following his death. The support of my church family was a source of strength during this difficult time, and I love you all.

Have a great Memorial Day!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Donation Site for Reconciler

You can make a donation to Church of the Reconciler online. Support our ministry with a donation.

Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who helped, attended and participated in the Banquet tonight. We will "Invest, Influence, Impact" life.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Jeremiah Castille - Featured Speaker at the Banquet of the Wide Open Door

Growing up in a dysfunctional home with abuse, domestic violence and alcoholism, Jeremiah was introduced to God’s love at the age of 13 and began to realize that there were opportunities for a better life. Blessed by God with athletic ability, Jeremiah was led to the University of Alabama and played football under the legendary, Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant. Coach Bryant instilled discipline and leadership into Jeremiah’s life and he was taught that with a positive attitude, strong work ethics and integrity, he could do great things. In Jeremiah’s senior year he was selected the M.V.P. in Coach Bryant’s last Liberty Bowl game. For six years, Jeremiah played professional football with Tampa Bay and Denver. As a member of the Denver Broncos, he played in Super Bowl XXII between the Denver Broncos and Washington Redskins.

Throughout his professional career, Jeremiah knew that he had a call from God to mentor, coach and minister to young people. It was clear to him that he was being called to return from the roots of which he came, the inner city. He was called to reach out to inner city youth and to bring them hope and faith for the future.

Banquet Invitation

You are invited to join Church of the Reconciler in this year’s celebration, hosted by Vestavia Hills UMC. The annual banquet allows you to participate in opening the door to provide hope for the growing population of homeless and less fortunate people in the greater Birmingham area.

It is truly in the faces of our brothers and sisters in need that we see the image of Christ. “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in…..” Matthew 25:35

Church of the Reconciler provides a church home for all of God’s children, ministering to the needs of food, clothing and medical support for the homeless community. 1500 meals are served each week at the Church of the Reconciler.

Saturday April 25, 2009
Vestavia Hills UMC

Doors Open 5:30 PM for Silent Auction
Banquet at 6:30 PM

Banquet of the Wide Open Door - 4/25/09

Church of the Reconciler presents
Banquet of the Wide Open Door
With Guest Speaker
Jeremiah Castille

Saturday April 25, 2009
Vestavia Hills UMC

Doors Open 5:30 PM for Silent Auction
Banquet at 6:30 PM

YOU can join us in Celebration and Support !!

Your prayers and participation are needed to help us continue this ministry to the homeless. Tickets for the banquet are $150 per person or $1,200 per table.

Silent Auction
The banquet will also include the fun and excitement of a Silent Auction. Items will include artwork by local artists, restaurant packages, tickets to exciting venues, sports memorabilia and a host of other surprises.

Your donations are always welcome at the Church of the Reconciler. You can be confident in the knowledge that God’s work is being performed in ministering to the needs of the homeless.

Church of the Reconciler
A multicultural/multiracial United Methodist Church
112 14th Street North Birmingham, Al 35203 205-324-6402

Friday, February 20, 2009

Spring Events @ Reconciler

Upcoming calendar items:
Wednesday, February 25. Ash Wednesday. Our usual Wednesday Prayer Meeting will be an Ash Wednesday service. 6:30.

Thursday, February 26. Alabama Arise Day in Montgomery. A van will be going from Reconciler. If you want to go and/or need more details, call Lawton.

Saturday, April 4. The SCLC will sponsor a march starting downtown and ending with a mass meeting at Church of the Reconciler. These are morning events, and we’ll get back to you on times when we know them. As host of the mass meeting, we want as many members and friends in attendance as possible. Please try to be there.

Sunday, April 5. Palm Sunday. Worship will include our traditional Palm Sunday march.

Friday, April 10. Good Friday Stations of the Cross. Starts at Reconciler at 11:00 am.

Sunday, April 12. Easter.

Saturday is Leadership Development Day

Please remember that this Saturday is our Leadership Development meeting from 9-noon at the church. We will be breaking into ministry groups and planning the church calendar for the next few months, and we need as many people there as possible. We need YOU! Lunch will be provided.

Banquet: Our primary effort right now is ticket sales. Individual tickets are $150, and tables are $1200. If you need tickets to sell and/or ticket sale packets, please contact the church office.

We also need items and services for the silent auction, so keep begging for stuff!

One other item: We need plates. 3-way divided, 11-inch foam plates. If you know of anyone looking to help out, they can donate plates for our meals.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Beatles’ Rooftop Concert 40th Anniversary - Free Concert for the Homeless

"The Beatles’ Rooftop Concert 40th Anniversary" on Friday, January 30 at 1:00pm.

Event: The Beatles’ Rooftop Concert 40th Anniversary

"Free Concert for the Homeless"

What: Concert

Host: Church of the Reconciler

Start Time: Friday, January 30 at 1:00pm

End Time: Friday, January 30 at 4:00pm

Where: Rooftop of Church of the Reconciler United Methodist Church, downtown Birmingham

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below: