Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Inspired to Do Good

Read II Phillipians 2:5-11

The attitude you should have is the one that Christ Jesus Had:

Phillipians 2:4 (TEV)
One day my step daughters were disagreeing and one said to the other in a piercing high pitched voice: “you have an attitude.” I thought – hum m…I wonder if she means good or bad? I think I know.

The Christians at Phillipi had an attitude problem and Paul wanted to inspire them to have love and compassion toward one another. He reminded them how Jesus came to where they (and we) were suffering. He came “out of the ivory palaces into a world of world of woe.” The poet Charles Wesley expressed it this way in two phrases:

“Mild he lays His glory by, and
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see.”

Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to have love and compassion on others if you are angry, selfish and revengeful?

Phillip P. Bliss reminds us
“Man or Sorrows! What a name
for the Son of God who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim!
Hal-le-lu-jah, What a Savior!”


I challenge you to empty your selfish ego and go “help somebody…” who is suffering and see how good it makes you feel and what it can do for your attitude.

Dear God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, inspire us by your example to also be willing to suffer on behalf of others.
He that gets down and dirty to help others shall be exalted.
Hurting Homeless Humans
William Ray Wade

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