Tuesday, March 02, 2010

God’s Sensual Presence

Scripture:  Psalm 63:1-8

Text: My soul thirsts for you; my flesh pants for you, as in a dry and weary land where no water is.

As I have read this scripture over and over what continues to stand out to me at this time is the importance of our senses to our intouchness with the Divine. The writer of this ancient song seems unafraid and unashamed to refer to his senses as he speaks of the importance of God in his life. This suggests that he understood his body and the senses associated with his body to be integral to his spiritual life.
This suggests to me that what I experience through my senses is to be trusted, respected and appreciated.
Prayer: Thank you for enriching our lives through our bodily senses and speaking lovingly and faithfully to us through them. Amen.
Thought for today: May any attitude that our senses are a spiritual negative dissolve into thankful appreciation of them.
Glenn Hand-Truitt

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