Friday, February 26, 2010

What Should We Fear?

What Should We Fear?

Read Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18

After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision:
"Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.

God said in these early writings : "I am a shield for you.” Wesley noted emphatically that God said “ I am a shield to you, present with you, (and) actually defending you.”

When I considered this: that God himself is a shield that secures us from destructive evils, a shield ready to protect us, and a shield that surrounds us. - then this assurance should silence all our perplexing fears.

What do we fear today? Being without health care? We also fear attacks by terrorists or criminals. We fear losing our wealth to identity theft, unemployment , rising utility bills, inflation and not having enough money to retire. Some of us fear religious fanatics. Others fear political fanatics. Some of us fear right talk radio while others of us fear left wing talk radio.

We fear global warming, the disappearing countryside and pollution. We fear losing our children to Internet predators and we fear losing our freedom to the mega corporations .

We still fear those who are different from us. If God in his graciousness is ready to stand beside us, then how are we to treat the others who exist along side us in these days of seeming chaos?

Kay Phillips

God, thank you for protecting us Let us share your love and safety with those around us.
When we feel afraid, remembering God’s promise and helping us can bring us peace.
God overcomes our fears.

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