Friday, February 19, 2010

The Essential Thought is Mercy

Read this Scripture: Psalms 51: 1-17

The Essential Thought is Mercy

Have mercy on me oh God. According to your steadfast love, according to your abundant mercy blot out my transgression for I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.

Mercy is not simply feeling compassion but it exists when something is done to alleviate the pain and suffering of our sisters and brothers. Mercy moves the merciful to bestow mercy. Merciful means “full of mercy.” A fountain of mercy that is always ready to reconcile our difference in respect for each other. The merciful person is full of love and one who lives with the love of God and hopefully trust in each other. Having a feeling of sorrow over someone’s bad situations not the mercy described in Psalms 51: 1-17. Mercy is more than just a feeling, it begins with a simple recognition that someone is hurting and it is up to us as stewards to do something about the pain/hurt.

Mother, father and holy God, we beg you to hear our plea and understand our pain. We pray for peach and love for every individual. We must did deep in our own soul so that we do not, in our moments to feel good, dear God, become self-centered in the work we do for the good of others. We pray for a society that will embrace the “toiling majority,” that we live with us each and every day. We thank you Lord Jesus for your everlasting love.

Thought for Today:
Where are we called to serve?

Mary Jones, Lay Leader

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