Saturday, April 03, 2010

Restore the image of love in us.

Read Psalm 31 Verses 9-16

Key Verse: Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I am in distress; (Verse 9)

Let Your face shine on your servant; Save me in your unfailing love. (Verse 6)

The psalmist is distressed indeed! His enemies are out to get him because they love political power and control more than truth and justice. His friends have abandoned him because their love failed in a time of testing. Surely we can all remember times when human love failed us and when our love failed someone else. “The human heart is deceitful above all things”. (Jeremiah 17:9) At one time or another all human love fails – yours does and mine does.

It is quite amazing that our love fails because we were created in the image of God – who is love. Where has this image of God gone? We have, as C. S. Lewis says, become bent”.

We are out of alignment. We are self centered rather than Christ centered.

How does this relate to Easter? On Good Friday, Jesus Christ was abandoned by his friends and crucified by his enemies. Human love failed that day but the love of God and Christ Jesus remained unchanged. Jesus was not angry, bitter, or filled with hatred. He did not call on God to send revenge upon those who murdered him without cause. Rather, He asked God to forgive them, to forgive us. That is redemptive love! What greater grace, unmerited favor, undeserved love, could there be?
PRAYER FOCUS: Restore the image of love in us.
Lord God, I am so very thankful that Your love never fails. My love fails time and time again. I humbly bow before the cross and seek your forgiveness and mercy. I need the healing balm of grace that flows from the wounds of Your Son so I can begin to have your image imprinted upon me again. I look up . . . I see the risen Christ – Your manifest, living, transforming, unfailing love. Please transform me into His likeness.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: If God’s love ever failed He would not be God.
Sharon Parsons

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