Thursday, October 09, 2008

Update, October 8, 2008

Hello friends!
Here’s a few dates to put on your calendar:
Tonight at 5 pm, Staff/parish relations (personnel) ministry team
Friday, Oct. 10 at noon. Finance ministry team
Monday, Oct. 13, Charge conference at Enon UMC
Wednesday, October 22, Banquet committee meeting, 6:30 pm at Vestavia Hills UMC. We will not have our usual prayer meeting at Reconciler that evening. All friends of Reconciler are encouraged and invited to meet at Vestavia as we make plans for our 2009 banquet. Thanks to Tom Bole of Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church for agreeing to be our banquet chair. Tom supported last year’s banquet and silent auction in significant ways, and we’re deeply appreciative of his help.

Other news: Elaine Marshall, a professor at Samford University has agreed to be our parish nurse. We are grateful for her commitment to the health of our community.

The Youth Y in Birmingham will make their facilities available to our children! We plan to schedule a tutoring session or two there and perhaps our recreation time for VBS as well. The gym include a climbing wall and track and other facilities that our children will enjoy.

This Sunday: We expect shepherds for Sunday school from Morningstar UMC. Enon UMC will be bringing lunch. From now on, we will no longer be asking the groups that shepherd to bring lunch for the children. The logistics of doing both are difficult. For now we will feed the children the adult meals. If you know of any groups that may want to bring the children’s lunch on occasional Sundays, please let Rachael know. We can usually purchase pizza or McDonald’s for about $50.

Please remember that the children are singing in worship this Sunday! If you help transport the kids, remind them that it’s a special Sunday to make an effort to attend. They are to wear khaki pants (or jeans) and white shirts. They’ll be singing after the passing of the peace and before the creed, so we’ll need to do our best to get them to church on time and get them breakfast in a timely manner.

And finally, our deepest condolences to Jo Dobbins, who lost her husband Ellis this week. The funeral was this morning. I know we’ll keep Jo in our thoughts and prayers.


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