Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Why Are We the Church of the Reconciler?


We are first and foremost a church. We are not a hand-out organization. We share what we have because that is what Jesus taught us God wants us to do. We are poor. We depend on the generosity of our companions in God, and we share the grace we receive with those in need. We all work together—poor, homeless, middle-class, wealthy—to spread the message that God loves us and wants us to love each other.


We follow the teachings of Jesus as the Reconciler. We work to reconcile the community of Birmingham with those who govern it. We pray for reconciliation among the warring nations of the world. We are actively reconciling our weak, erring selves with our companions in Christ. We also practice faith that we can reconcile ourselves with God. We recognize that we all fall short of the glory of God…regularly…daily. We each need mercy and forgiveness and grace. We must forgive ourselves and we must beg God’s forgiveness.

We at the Church of the Reconciler understand that reconciliation is an active noun. Reconcilation is accomplished when we actively care for the poor, when we feed the hungry, when we provide clothing for those in need. Reconciliation is an act of faith, an act of grace, an act of mercy.

We are the Church of the Reconciler.

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