Monday, December 11, 2006

Preparing the Way

Read Malachi 3: 1-4
"See, I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. --Malachi 3:1 (NIV)

Recently, my family and I moved into our first home. Not long after, a friend and coworker visited from Ohio and, of course, wanted to see our new place. I was very excited, but I got a bit obsessive about the house being perfect when she showed. I cleaned for days. I repaired imperfections in the paint; I scrubbed and swept and mopped and washed the windows.

When my friend arrived, she “oohed and ahhed” over the house and settled in for a visit. I looked up, and just over her head hung a long cobweb! How could I have missed it! All my preparations, and all I could see was the imperfection of my home I should have been so proud of. I let my obsession over things that don’t really matter mar what should have been a joyful time with my friend.

Old Testament scripture tells of messengers sent to prepare the way of the Lord. Malachi speaks of someone who will come as a “refiner,” making us pure and clean. The focus is on preparing the people; there is no mention of preparing our homes or our clothes or any of the things we so often place as important.

God does not care if we have fine possessions. So how to we prepare the way for Christ to become a bigger part our lives? We must concentrate on the things Christ says are important: a clean heart, a kind spirit, a sense of righteousness and justice.

Prayer: O God, help us prepare the way for Christ to be effective in our lives. Amen

Thought for the Day
How can I prepare myself to become a better person?

Karla Higgs

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